Life Is Full Of Choices
Our mission is to help empower others to use the forgotten skills necessary to equip children, youth and adults to become responsible. Tools We UseResourcesWhat We Do
We equip those who choose to:
- Find power in knowing that their choices determine the qualities of their life
- Live an incredible life through understanding the boundaries in the circumstances of life
- Experience freedom from the bondage of past circumstances over which they had no control
We empower people through training:
- Organizations
- Educators
- Parents
- Groups and individuals
We train:
- In large group Presentations
- In group Seminars
- Through individualized Training
Our Books
“I have been leading the Awana program at our church for the past ten years. After reading Cornerstones and Core Needs of Growing Kids I discovered I knew nothing about working with kids. This book has changed my ministry!”

John & Sheryl Emra
John and Sheryl have always wanted to make an impact on the lives of inner city kids. In 1980, after college, and after working in the business world for a few years, they responded to God’s call to become missionaries.
Join us on our Journey
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