by John Emra | May 17, 2023 | blog
No one likes to receive discipline. And in reality, very few people even talk about discipline – and those who do talk about discipline, are usually looking at it in the wrong way. Discipline, in order to be effective, needs to be understood from the Life...
by John Emra | Mar 15, 2023 | blog
Usually as I write a blog I focus on the principles of Life Is Full Of Choices. However, every once in a while I talk about something that is happening in the world. This is one of those times. A few weeks ago at Asbury University they had a pretty ordinary chapel...
by John Emra | Dec 23, 2022 | blog
The end of the year means different things to different people. To some people it means shopping. To others it means parties, family gatherings, gifts, trees and lights. And to others it means New Year Resolutions. At Life Is Full Of Choices it means an annual fund...
by John Emra | Aug 18, 2021 | blog
Such a small word – but so powerful. When we were raising our kids it was one of my favorite words to use when they would do something wrong. I would generally ask, “Why did you do that?” The reply would be a blank stare, a shrug of the shoulders or an “I don’t...
by John Emra | Jul 23, 2021 | blog
Life is full of choices, and the choices I make today can affect the circumstances of my life – and others peoples lives – both now and into the future. When we started working with kids in East Los Angeles back in 1986 we realized almost...
by John Emra | Jun 25, 2021 | blog
I need to preface this blog with the statement that 42 years ago when Sheryl and I started walking this road of Missionary life we decided that we would never interject politics into our news letters or our public presentations. Sheryl and I have political beliefs...
by John Emra | May 22, 2021 | blog
In life we all deal with boundaries – and we all try to stretch the boundaries we come up against – all of us! Why is that? Deep inside we know that individually we need boundaries and some are even smart enough to know that as a society we need...
by John Emra | Apr 21, 2021 | blog
Cornerstone #1 talks about Qualities. Qualities are the things I choose in life – like my relationship with God, the peace I extend to those around me and the forgiveness I give to others. You can find all three Cornerstones by looking on our Web Page under the...
by John Emra | Mar 16, 2021 | blog
How many of us would like to change something about our lives? For instance: The family I was born into? Which side of “the tracks” I called home when I was young? Where my parents came from? The language I spoke as a child? The color of my hair? The color of my...
by John Emra | Jan 26, 2021 | blog
The First Cornerstone of Life Is Full Of Choices: Life Is full of choices and the choices I make today will determine the qualities of my life both now, and in the future. Most of us want to have a good life, better than yesterday even better than our parents. ...
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