by John Emra | Jul 22, 2020 | blog
In the Church we often say: We know that God causes all things to work together for good for those who love God (Romans 8:28a) as a way of saying I don’t understand what is going on – but I am trusting God. Let me tell you a story. John and Sally Childress...
by John Emra | Feb 20, 2020 | blog
While in college, I had a roommate from Alaska. He told me that in the Eskimo language they have a bunch of words to designate different aspects of snow. That is because snow is an important a part of their lives, they need to know the type of snow they are taking...
by John Emra | Jan 21, 2020 | blog
We work with people who are choosing to make changes to the choices they make. But they have trouble seeing the choices they want to make because their history gets in the way. They have been responding to a given circumstance in a certain way for so long...
by John Emra | Dec 18, 2019 | blog
Life Is Full Of Choices looks at the world around us as a series of choices. The world, as it is, is the result of the choices we, and those who have come before us, have made. Some have made good choices – and we are enjoying the consequences of those choices,...
by John Emra | Nov 21, 2019 | blog
I recently was talking to a couple who shared that they knew they were giving their children all the affection they needed because they were giving them all the toys they asked for. I told them they were confused. They were buying temporary happiness for their...
by John Emra | Oct 23, 2019 | blog
I am sure some of you have heard that my mother died October 4th. This is as very confusing time for me because I miss her terribly and am glad that she is in heaven. Those two emotions are hard to deal with at the same time. This blog though is about...
by John Emra | Sep 18, 2019 | blog
The fourth Core Need we deal with as we go through the Cornerstones and Core Needs of Growing Kids is Discipline. During the close of that session I ask the question “Which is the most important of the Core Needs. The options are Affections, Boundaries,...
by John Emra | Aug 20, 2019 | blog
I was recently sent a post on FaceBook by a teacher who was getting her room ready for the new year. One Bulletin Board said, “Meet the wizard responsible for your choices, grades, success, words and actions.” Below every title (choices, grades...
by John Emra | May 27, 2019 | blog
After much anticipation, our blog is finally operational! We moved to the blog format for ease of content creation and use. If you are looking for one of our newsletters or to get a feeling for our history, you can find previous newsletters in our newsletter archive....
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