Life Is Full Of Choices looks at the world around us as a series of choices.

The world, as it is, is the result of the choices we, and those who have come before us, have made.

Some have made good choices – and we are enjoying the consequences of those choices, and some have made bad choices – and we all are suffering from the consequences of those choices.

As I talk to people about this I use John 3:16 to illustrate this paradigm.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever should believe in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

The difference is I insert the choices God made and humanity continues to make in order to blatantly show those choices.

“For God chose to love the world, that He chose to give His only begotten Son, that whoever chooses to believe in Him shall not perish, but by that choice is choosing to have everlasting life.”

That is the story of Christmas.

God chose to make a way so we could have the choice to spend eternity with Him.

The ministry that Sheryl and I have chosen is to teach adults how to make the message of a responsible life simple enough so kids (of all ages) can understand they are responsible for their choices. The first and most important choice is the answer to the question, “Where will I spend eternity.”

You can choose to help us continue this ministry.

This year we are being blessed by a triple match that will last through December 31st.  Whatever you choose to give; either as an extra gift or as a new gift will be tripled. This is being done by a group of generous supporters who want to see our donor base expand.

Go to for more information.

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