Usually as I write a blog I focus on the principles of Life Is Full Of Choices.  However, every once in a while I talk about something that is happening in the world.  This is one of those times.

A few weeks ago at Asbury University they had a pretty ordinary chapel service.  The focus of the message was from the last 13 verses of Romans 12 and they talked about Gods Love, what love is, and isn’t and finally how we as Christians need to experience Gods love before we can love others. Those 13 Verses contain 30 commands.  Pretty overwhelming!

They prayed and most everyone left for their next class.

Most everyone left… but about 20 or 30 students chose to stay to continue to pray and worship.  A couple hours later  that group had swelled to about 200. By that evening almost all the school was back in the auditorium.  For the next 16 days the prayers and the worshipping never stoped.  371 hours of continual prayer and worship.  People were confessing of sins, healing was happening and the Holy Spirit was changing lives.

People came from all over to be in this revival, some even as far away as South Korea.

My point though is there were about 2,000 people (mostly students) at that unremarkable chapel service on February 8th who left.  Maybe they were hungry and wanted lunch.  Maybe they were preoccupied with a test and needed to study.  Maybe they just didn’t care.

But there were a few who didn’t care about food or tests.  There were a few who cared. They stayed, they wanted a closer relationship with God!

The same thing happened in 1970 at Asbury College (It was a college then).  It spread, and a few months later the Jesus Revolution started in California.

A whole generation was influenced for Christ starting from a small College in Kentucky.

This year, God has already influenced people far beyond the university grounds.

Will it influence millions as it has in the past?  And what kind of influence will it be.  

Will in be a political?  One where people are talking about social justice, immigrants and race relations? All the things the world wants us to care about.  Or will it be spiritual – where people are looking at their choices, trying to get closer to God and asking forgiveness of those around them?  Only time will tell.

The political is great.  We should be concerned about those things, but to change the world I need to start with my relationship with God!  Then He will tell me what to do with the worldly concerns.

But I am looking at the small group of students who chose to stay and pray.

They weren’t looking to start a world wide movement – their desire, their choice was to connect with God, build a closer – more personal relationship with Him.  Their choice was to put themselves in a place where they could hear from God.

They did, and the world is talking notice.

You can choose to be a part of this revival – not by going to Asbury but by choosing to put yourself in the same position those first kids did.  Choose to be humble.  Choose to be authentic.  Choose to get close to God.

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