The First Cornerstone of Life Is Full Of Choices: Life Is full of choices and the choices I make today will determine the qualities of my life both now, and in the future.

Most of us want to have a good life, better than yesterday even better than our parents. 

We want:

  • The trajectory of our life to be upward.
  • A good job, better pay and more respect.
  • To have a good family, loving wife (or husband) and well behaved kids.
  • To live in a good neighborhood with good schools and good neighbors.

But none of these fit in the category as “qualities of my life”.

These are all circumstances.

Circumstances can be given to me or taken from me.  All of the things that I listed above can be taken from me.

If I am straining to achieve what can be taken from me, I am fighting a battle for the temporary.  In a moment it can all be gone.

Then what are qualities?

Qualities are what I choose!

  • Church is a circumstance but choosing to develop a relationship with God is a quality.
  • The Bible is a circumstance but choosing to read the Bible is a quality.
  • Learning to play the piano is a circumstance but choosing to play it to glorify God is a quality.
  • World peace is a circumstance but choosing to develop inner peace is a quality.
  • My wife is a circumstance but choosing to learn how to love her is a quality.

I can give a quality away (I can be known as an honest man but I can choose to cheat someone and give up the quality of honesty.) but it can never be taken from me.

The qualities I develop on earth will go with me into eternity.

If I have developed negative or bad qualities they will also go with me.

If I choose to focus my life on myself I will forever be known as selfish, an instigator, unscrupulous, short tempered, uncaring, mean, sour and sad. Those are just examples – but because of my choices I have developed those qualities and will spend my eternity separated from God.

If, on the other hand, I choose to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ, I will spend my life developing the qualities of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, patience, kindness and self-control. Not only do I live my life based on those qualities but I get to spend eternity in heaven with God.

The first Cornerstone of Life Is Full Of Choices says the choice is mine, because:

Life Is full of choices and the choices I make today will determine the qualities of my life both now, and in the future.

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